Teen Scientist shows how to control Robots with an Ipad

RobotGrrl Erin Kennedy has pushed back another barrier to easy Robotics. This talented teen is using an iPad to control her Arduino powered Robot RoboBrrd‘s servos.  RobotGrrl created an iPad app which will allow her to feed her Feather covered robotic bird using the iPad tablet’s touch screen. Dragging virtual fruit to RoboBrrds beak on […]

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Meet RoboBrrd

This is a continuation of an interview did with RobotGrrl, a teen Robot maker. BILL:       – What caught my attention from your projects was the RoboBrrd.  Could you tell me a little bit about RoboBrrd. ROBOTGRRL:      Sure, so one night, Adafruit Industries contacted me after they read my blog, and they said, “Hey, can […]

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It ain’t Rocket Science – New Show about Science and Technology

I just stumbled across a new video called It Ain’t Rocket Science, about science and technology. This is a well done production staring Adam Balkin, produced by Time Warner Cable. The project is conceived as part of the Connect a Million Minds program. The first episode talks about the FIRST Robotics Competition and has an […]

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MINIBLOQ – Making Arduino easier to program

Julián da Silva is a Maker and an educator who wants to make it easy for everyone to program Arduino microcontrollers.   The Arduino is the new hot ticket electronics development platform and all sort s of people are making things with them. The Arduino requires programming knowledge which most folks don’t have. Minibloq could […]

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Hello World!

Welcome to blog. Makermasters is a blog that will introduce you to the fascinating people who are remaking the world one project at a time.  The makers and shakers are creating everything from DIY technology and electronics to life size rocket ships in their back yards. I will give you a glimpse into the […]

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