RobotGrrl a 19 year old Robot maker has found a new way to control her pet Robot, Robobrrd with her Ipad. RobotGrrl is using a Redpark Serial cable to connect her iPad to an Arduino microcontroller. The Redpark Serial cable for iOS, is a cable which allows the iPad to connect to RS232 serial devices. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Meet RoboBrrd
This is a continuation of an interview did with RobotGrrl, a teen Robot maker. BILL: – What caught my attention from your projects was the RoboBrrd. Could you tell me a little bit about RoboBrrd. ROBOTGRRL: Sure, so one night, Adafruit Industries contacted me after they read my blog, and they said, “Hey, can […]
Read the rest of this entry »Meet Robotgrrl – Making Robots from Popsicle sticks and Arduino.
One of the nice things about blogging is that it encourages you to read other folks blogs to see what they are up to. I recently stumbled across a really interesting blog by Robotgrrl, a 19 year old, young lady who is making Robots out of popsicle sticks, pencils, Arduino and basically anything she can […]
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