Using CNC to Make Stage Props

Written By: Bill Griggs - Apr• 18•12

I have been using CNC to make stage Props  for my children’s school plays. I often design props using Alibre Design. I Then take the designs  and export them to Vectric Aspire. After I created the tool paths I loaded the G-Code into Mach3. I often use 1/8″ Luan plywood or MDF and cut the parts out on my CNC Router table.  Instant prop with little expense.


This is not the first time I have used CNC to make stage props for the local school plays. Earlier in the month I made a few props for my Daughter’s Production of “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”. I didn’t make as many things this year with the CNC router however we did get to make a few things. I assembled the pieces and mounted them to a base.

One project was a Coffee machine out of 4’x8’x1/8″ Luan ply. I used a 1/8″ up spiral bit to make the cutouts. If I did it again, I would use a down spiral bit because the luan splinters so bad. The coffee machine flat was mounted (more…)

DIY CNC Project – Dust Deputy Cyclone Separator Cart

Written By: Bill Griggs - Apr• 07•12

My latest DIY CNC project is a Dust Deputy Cyclone Separator Cart for my Shop Vacuum. With the help of a friend we took a project from a magazine and converted the plans to be cut on a CNC router Table. Converting plans from a woodworking magazine into a CNC project is not difficult to do and it can be fun.

CNC PRoject – Dust Deputy Cyclone Shop Vacuum Cart

The plans we used came from (more…)

CNC Router Table Design Video – I Made a Computer Desk

Written By: Bill Griggs - Feb• 19•12

Recently I made a blog post about a CNC Router Table Project where  I made a computer desk. I got quite a few comments from people asking if I had any videos to document the process. I had taken some rough footage during the process but hadn’t had the time to edit it into a nice format.  I finally slowed down long enough to get out the video editing software and edit the file.

Corner Desk - I made these desks on a CNC router table. They use slots and tabs to assemble and require no tools.

I used a really nice Video editing software from Sony called Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum. I am really impressed with this software so far. I am not a video buff so I am not up on all the latest gadgets for editing video. However, (more…)

Flying Robots Building The Future

Written By: Bill Griggs - Feb• 14•12

Flying Robots Building The Future

Flying Robots Building The Future. Multicopter carried Foam Brick to construction site.

Flying Robots building the future? It may sound impossible but tiny robot multi-copters are already being used to make buildings. A Swiss team of scientist from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology demonstrated the future of construction in France in late 2011.  A team of several robot multi-copters flew foam bricks (more…)

Designing Your Own Bicycle – Popular Pastime Through The Years

Written By: Bill Griggs - Jan• 19•12

Designing your own Bicycle has been a popular pastime for ages. Designing a bike to meet your own specific needs can be fun and entertaining for others to watch. I recently attended the Detroit Makers Faire and was impressed with the number of people who were making their own bicycles. Many of our industrial pioneers were avid Bicycle fans including the Wright Brothers, Karl Benz and Glenn Curtis. Bikes are also one of the greenest forms of transportation on the planet so it is natural that makers would love bikes.

Bikes have been around for a long time. The earliest sketches of a bike was a (more…)