Minibloq V0.7 Alpha Test Drive – How I programmed an Arduino without writing code.

Written By: Bill Griggs - Jun• 17•11

I took my Arduino for a ride using the new open source Minibloq Graphical Development Interface. As I reported earlier Julian da Silva released the Alpha version of the Minibloq program to his backers on Kickstarter. I got my copy and within minutes I had programmed my Arduino Uno to perform a variety of tasks. I was so impressed by the ease of use that I created a short video  (more…)

Robots make Breakfast

Written By: Bill Griggs - Jun• 14•11

I have been a big robot fan since I was a child. Robot B9 from Lost in Space was my favorite. We are getting closer to having useful robots everyday. Scientist in Germany have created a duo of robots which can prepare your breakfast.

Minibloq Alpha released

Written By: Bill Griggs - Jun• 09•11

I just downloaded the Alpha release of Minibloq Graphical user interface and programming environment. The program is easy to use and actually makes sense. I programmed the onboard LED of an Arduino Uno in under 3 minutes without instructions. Now that I know how to program the Arduino with Minibloq, I can do it in under a minute.

Minibloq Graphica interface and developement PLatform

First screen shots of Minibloq



Written By: Bill Griggs - Jun• 08•11

Makerslide project

Makerslide to become a reality. Project funding exceeds expectations.


The Makerslide project was successfully funded on Kickstarter. The funding should help ensure a new, supply of affordable linear slides. The project  was funded in just under 48 hours and then continued to gather support. The funding raised was 445%  of the expected goal.  Designer Barton Dring stated he will use the $26,268 to complete the orders by late July 2011.

Dring has already gotten a head start on the project he has ordered new machines and dies to make the production process simpler.  Barton Dring has already received over 3000 (more…)

MINIBLOQ – Making Arduino easier to program

Written By: Bill Griggs - Jun• 02•11

Julián da Silva is a Maker and an educator who wants to make it easy for everyone to program Arduino microcontrollers.   The Arduino is the new hot ticket electronics development platform and all sort s of people are making things with them. The Arduino requires programming knowledge which most folks don’t have. Minibloq could change all that.

Minibloq is an open source Graphical user interface and programming environment designed to work with the Arduino family of microprocessors. It will also work with Duinobot and Maple devices. To use Minbloq, the user drags icons from a menu onto the picture of an Arduino. When the user does this they are prompted to enter values into the window. Based on the values entered , Miniblog generates source code that the Ardino can use. If Minibloqs lives up to it’s promise, programming (more…)